When you click the registration page link, you'll be directed to a form. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
Your email is the primary contact for your tenant and can only be used once in our system.
Your password must be at least 8 characters long, contain upper and lower case letters, and either numbers or special characters.
Personal details such as your title, first name, and last name are optional and will be used only to address communication in a polite, personal manner.
Your Tenant Name is mandatory. If you're registering a business tenant, it must be your legal business name. If your tenant isn't owned by a business, it can be anything.
Your address is also mandatory, but it's irrelevant for personal use. If you're registering a business tenant, please use your legal company address.
Additionally, EU companies are required to provide their Tax (VAT) Number for invoicing purposes.
Once your registration is complete and your email address is confirmed, you'll be able to log in to your user dashboard.
Create Token
In order to use the Artifactz service with your CI/CD tool or build system, you need to configure the appropriate plugin and create an API token with the required scopes. Here are the general steps to follow:
Create an API token: In the platform, navigate to the "Tokens" section in the left-hand panel and click the "Add" button.
API tokens
Select the required token scopes (either "urn:artifactor:write" for creating or modifying artifact records, or "urn:artifactor:read" for reading artifact version information) and click "Add".
Create token
Once the token is generated, copy it to a safe location, as you will not be able to recover it later.
Copy token
To make it easy to copy the newly generated API token, there's a copy icon located next to it, which is indicated by a red circle in the image above. To copy the token to your clipboard, simply click on this icon.
Configure Plugin
There are currently four plugins available for number of build systems and CI/CD tools:
Create a new Secret Text credentials item with the API token.
Add Jenkins Credentials Item
Install the plugin, and select the credentials from the "Credentials" drop-down list.
Configure Jenkins plugin
Optionally, configure proxy if direct connection to the is not allowed.
Github Actions
Add the "ARTIFACTZ_TOKEN" secret with the API token that has the required scope.
Use one of the available actions to manipulate artifact details or retrieve them from the pipeline.
For example to publish a new artifact you can use the following action:
 - name: Publish the version of the database image to the Development stage
  uses: iktech/publish-artifact-javascript-action@v1.0.0
    apiToken: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTZ_TOKEN }}
    stage: Development
    name: test
    type: DockerImage
    flow: Simple
    version: 1.0.0
Note that API token is taken from the secret.
To push the artifact through the flow use the following example:
 - name: Push Artifact Info
  id: push
  uses: iktech/push-artifact-javascript-action@v1.0.0
    apiToken: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTZ_TOKEN }}
    stage: Development
    name: test
Note that push action is only available when an artifact is associated with the flow.
Azure DevOps
Install the Azure DevOps Extension.
To do this, go to your Organization Settings in the Azure DevOps console and click General->Extensions in the left hand panel. There, click browse the marketplace, find the extension and click "Get it free".
Once extension is installed, define a variable in the project's Variable Group with the API Token. Let's say that the Variable Group has name "default" and a variable in it named "artifactz.api_token".
Then, you can use it when configuring one of the tasks.
First, link your pipeline with the Variable Group by adding the following to the pipeline YAML file:
 - group: default
This will link variables from the Variable Group "default" with the pipeline.
For example, to publish the artifact from the pipeline, you can use the following task:
 - task: publish-artifact@1
    apiToken: $(artifactz.api_token)
    stage: 'Development'
    flow: 'Test'
    name: 'test-data'
    type: 'JAR'
    groupId: 'io.iktech.test'
    artifactId: 'test-data'
    version: '1.0.1'
Or to push artifact, you can use the following task:
 - task: push-artifact@1
  name: pushArtifact
    apiToken: $(artifactz.api_token)
    stage: 'Development'
    name: 'test-data'
Define the required variables (e.g., artifactz.apiToken and artifactz.stage) as described in the documentation.
As a minimum, two variables are required artifactz.apiToken and artifactz.stage.
It is advisable to set the artifactz.apiToken in the global file. However, the artifactz.stage could be set in global as well as project
Include the plugin by adding the following to the plugins block of the build.gradle file:
plugins {
//  ...
    id 'io.iktech.artifactz' version '1.0.0'
//  ...
If you want to resolve the version of the dependent library using just leave their versions empty in the build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core'
    implementation 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api'
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.6.0'
    testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-junit-jupiter:3.7.7'
    testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:3.7.7'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine'
The plugin also provides two additional tasks publishArtifact and pushArtifact that allow user to manage artifact versions from the Gradle build. Check plugin documentation for more details.
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